This is our 8 month trip across the country on longboards. in an attempt to raise green awareness and to raise money for multiple sclerosis, we will board 5000+ miles on our longboards. we start in march 2010, so i hope you'll be here to read about our adventures

Sunday, February 28, 2010

To Hill Bombers and Pedestrians alike!

We are on the final countdown (yes, Europes song rocks even if it is as dated as jean jackets)!!! its this week that our journey begins. final prep is now just that, final prep. our packs are together, our supplies have (mostly) been gathered, our shoes are tied and our (arses) are in gear. im not saying yall cant help us out whenever you can (that would be cool), but so far things are looking pretty mother effin gangster. id like to thank all of you that have offered to give us a hand along the way, and chances are we'll have to call on those favors at some point, but at the moment we're confident that things are groovy (thats right, i said groovy. if you dont like it go read some whiny preteen blog with all of todays terminology). any feedback yall have before we take off will be appreciated, and anyone you can talk to that might be interested in this... well go ahead and tellem to log on!!! OR ELSE!!! j/k but anyway for reals yall should tell everyone, even the checkout clerk at the grocery store to go look this up and take a look. anyway, its late and i gotta start doing the day time thing (wake up at dawn, go to bed at some point before midnight). yall take care!