This is our 8 month trip across the country on longboards. in an attempt to raise green awareness and to raise money for multiple sclerosis, we will board 5000+ miles on our longboards. we start in march 2010, so i hope you'll be here to read about our adventures

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

you know whats great? a late night skate

ok so everyone knows that its colder at night right? for some reason it doesnt feel any colder to me. maybe thats because i just did a quick 5 miles before bed. right now in northern virginia there are barely any cars on the road, which is great because i have plenty of places to build up my legs by pushing uphill. other than skating and then skating some more, today was unproductive. cruddy, i know. but tomorrow will be better! im going into fairfax city to see what support i can rally behind this cause and also to skate the ups and downs around town. friday im going up to PA to see some family and to skate some mountain roads up in the appalachians woot! my buddy John Bennett (my teammate in this endevour) is working on things down in VA Beach right now, so we can get some people behind us who want to see us succeed. John has been a friend of mine for longer than most people i know, and i cant think of anyone who id rather skate this trip with. He is a Realtor with ZipRealty and feels very passionate about the "Green Movement". As soon as i told him i was thinking about this trip, he just about exploded "I'm in". and that was it. rock on. the pic up top here, thats john, everybody say hi!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren Grindstaff MckinnonApril 25, 2010 at 10:16 PM

    I know I am super late on the comments, but AWESOME! I miss you guys, and VA! GOOD LUCK!
